Name of the University: Hosei University
Program Name: GIS (Global and Interdisciplinary Studies)
Type of Degree: B.A.
Major Field: Liberal arts education in Humanities, Social Sciences, and Management Sciences
Application Period:
(Spring Admission) Please refer to the website:
(Fall Admission) Please refer to the website:
Period of Enrollment: April, September
Program’s Website:
Contact Information:
Program Overview:
-Liberal Arts
A liberal arts education lays the foundation for intellectual pursuits and creates a framework for students to both contribute to and thrive in society. GIS offers opportunities for students to gain a deep and wide knowledge of various disciplines, including (but not limited to) the humanities, social sciences, and management sciences, in order to enrich the mind, make unbiased judgments, and develop flexible and innovative thinking.
-Interdisciplinary Studies
An interdisciplinary education at GIS moves between and beyond traditional academic fields. It liberates students from an overemphasis on and the narrow perspective of any single discipline in understanding complex issues in the world today. Students also learn how to adopt and synthesize new ideas, while gaining skills in critical thinking and problem solving within a supportive department setting.
—A Global Perspective
Recognizing the variety of social and political challenges confronting contemporary society, GIS seeks to develop a truly global perspective to analyze and engage with the diverse experiences of an interdependent world. Whether choosing a career path abroad or within the increasingly internationalized environment of Japan, students leave GIS as independently-minded graduates with sensitivity and tolerance to cultures not their own.
Hosei university, GIS YouTube channel: