Name of the University: Hosei University
Program Name: GBP (Global Business Program)
Type of Degree: B.A.
Major Field: Business Administration (Business, Strategic Management, Marketing, Finance, Accounting)
Application Period:
Please refer to the website:
Period of Enrollment: September
Program’s Website:
Contact Information:
Program Overview:
-Third-oldest business school among Japanese universities
Since its foundation in 1959, the Faculty’s education and research studies have brought many graduates whose competency has been proven in the real business world. With our accumulated values built on a long history and tradition, combined with the school’s motto “Practical Wisdom for Freedom”, we keep challenging new issues.
-Obtain in-depth knowledge of Japanese-style business management
Japanese companies have been able to maintain their competitiveness in the global business environment with outstanding craftsmanship and top-quality services. In addition to the large-scale manufacturers of products and brands with a worldwide reputation, many other companies in the areas of retailing and services also are successfully expanding their presence globally, particularly in Asian markets.
-Curriculum relating theories to practice
The students will acquire a broad range of knowledge and theory, from a basic to expert level. Additionally, the program includes company visits, internships, and classes given by guest lecturers with business management experience. Through these educational opportunities, the students will be able to relate the theories of business administration to actual practice.